Freelancers prefers PowerPoint Online Alternatives


With regards to complementing the focuses that you need to make amid a presentation, numerous individuals depend on PowerPoint which is a system that permits you to make slideshows on your PC. The principle issue is that in spite of the fact that PowerPoint is surely understood, it can constrain the things that you would need to put in a remarkable presentation. This is only one of the numerous reasons in the matter of why consultants prefer to utilize a PowerPoint alternative.

Looking over Templates

Much like PowerPoint, utilizing an alternative program implies that you’ll be able to skim through various presentation templates that are intended to make your presentation considerably more appealing. The primary concern to remember is that PowerPoint has an exceptionally restricted measure of layouts, while a PowerPoint online alternative, most probably has a variety of presentation templates to browse and chose. You may even find that people that use it will make their own templates and transfer them for you to download and use all alone. Considering that your presentation may require an exceptional sort of style, having the capacity to look over a wide range of formats can be your best alternative.

Less demanding

There are fundamental capacities that you can perform on PowerPoint, for example, picking where you need your content to go and the type of background that every slide has, yet it can be harder to work with extra elements, for example, sounds for each transitioning slide and incorporating video that can be played from any media gadget. A PowerPoint online alternative will give you more elements that you can use to make a striking presentation and they will likewise be much less demanding to use and get it. Much like the measure of presentation formats, you’ll additionally have numerous elements to look over.

Fascinating and Unique

Whenever you hear somebody discuss how they’re getting prepared for a presentation you accept that they’ll be making a PowerPoint, which can turn out to be somewhat unremarkable and exhausting. When you pick a PowerPoint alternative, you’re giving your group of onlookers something that they may have never seen which can keep them intrigued by your presentation. There’s nothing more terrible that using the same customary presentation layouts with the same program that has been utilized as a part of presentations for a considerable length of time. Have a go at something new and diverse.

Financially savvy

Unless you have a PC that comes with Microsoft Office built in, there is a high likelihood that you will to pay in order to use it. As a freelancer, you’ll need to ensure that you spare as much cash as could be expected so that your benefits increase. With a PowerPoint online alternative you may have the capacity to get it altogether for nothing or for significantly less than what you would pay for the whole Microsoft Office pack. You will need to do an adequate measure of exploration to check whether there is an open source program that you can use further bolstering your good fortune and the components that are incorporated with it for nothing.

Here is a brief rundown of suggested PowerPoint choices offering top of the line business arrangements :


A standout amongst the most well known powerpoint choices offering a few arrangements for people and organizations.


Probably a standout amongst the most in vogue powerpoint choices centering their administration on organizations and students/educators. With a database of several instructive or business presentation formats, this is a power to be figured with.


Another real player in this field, Haikudeck offers a few arrangements beginning from $5/month.

Embedding presentations on WordPress websites


If you have a WordPress website and some experience using PowerPoint you may be interested to know that you can easily embed PowerPoint presentations directly onto your WordPress page. With the assistance of various PowerPoint online widgets for WordPress and by using specialty presentation templates which can scale to a WordPress system, you could build interactive slideshows in  PowerPoint and then post them directly to your WordPress page.

Imagine how effective these presentations could be for advertising, for producing new blog topics and for improving the look of your page overall. Powerpoint online is not a relatively new technique but it really opens up the barriers to entry for many individuals that are interested in building interactive elements for their page.

Powerpoint can be embedded into WordPress very easily with the help of slide share. Slideshare by Yoast is a program that you can use to instantly share presentations into your WordPress posts with the help of a simple embed code. You can use slide share directly to create the presentations or create them in PowerPoint yourself first. Once you have completed your presentation simply copy the code into your WordPress site and you can insert it into any of the sidebars or content areas that you have.

A secondary extension that you could consider might be Embed Any document. With the help of this extension you can insert Google docs, Microsoft Office online and other resources to import PowerPoint files that you have been working on to your WordPress site. If you regularly use Google drive, the process of actually inserting a powerpoint presentation is as simple as finding the content on your drive and marking it as a file to embed.

Keep some of these extensions in mind if you want to open up your WordPress website for use with powerpoint.

Prezi Business Presentation Templates


Students and business professionals alike tend to quickly choose a PowerPoint template for their next presentation or school project but, they may want to consider using one of the Prezi business presentation templates. While PowerPoint is the most widely known business presentation templates Prezi offers a number of the same functionality as PowerPoint. PowerPoint templates and Prezi templates both have their pros and cons so it may just be down to personal preference as to which program you prefer to use.

Prezi Business Presentation Templates Vs. PowerPoint Templates

PowerPoint templates are considered the standard for making presentations. It tends to be the most recommended and used software since it has been around for many years, is easy to learn and can be made compatible to use on a Mac. While the software offers pre-made slides and it can be extremely user-friendly the design of the PowerPoint templates can be considered outdated. The graphics and clipart are fairly similar to the original art that was released with the very first version. There is also not much creative freedom with the business presentation templates, photographs can only be inserted vertical or horizontally with no additional options to make the more visually appealing on the slides.

PreziPrezi business presentation templates offer users much more freedom and design capabilities. Prezi is a flash based software program the offers a lot more functionality and creative. You can zoom into a slide which allows you to add more details and make them completely unique. You can use each ‘c
anvas’ or slide as a full presentation making it easier for you to find the information you need. Simply zoom into one section of the slide, get the presentation of that information, zoom out and the zoom in on another part of the slide for easy navigation through your presentation. Unlike PowerPoint, Prezi is a free web-based program. You do not have to pay to purchase the program or business presentation templates you just need to have a device that can work Flash and be able to connect to the internet. You have a lot more freedom with the overall layout and design of your templates which can include images, videos or sound clips. Prezi business presentation templates can be embedded into web pages and blogs much easier since there are created on a web based program. The only few downfalls to the Prezi templates is that you cannot print them out as you would be able to with PowerPoint templates and because you have so many more options to create and add to the slides it can be overwhelming to work with the programs for beginners. There are plenty of more tools and features you can use with the Prezi program so it is not as simple as PowerPoint to use.

If you are looking for business presentation templates that offer a great deal of flexibility in the design, then Prezi templates can be a good choice for you. If on the other hand you want some simple and straightforward than PowerPoint templates will be the better choice for you.

The Advantages Of Using Online PowerPoint Alternatives With Rich PPT Templates


Today, we are more mobile than ever – wanting to ease off our work and find the best way to make the most of our productivity. Obviously, the world has changed to another perspective, offering us a plate full of digital opportunities ready for us to expand our business in a consistent way.

Presentations have been one of the keys to successful collaborations, landing loans and investments, but also being a corporate identity of a brand. And, as much as we love creating presentations with PowerPoint, at one moment we just cannot resist to try out all of the alternatives out there.

And boy, there are so many….

From digital cloud based startups to massive platforms with millions of users, the online platforms for creating presentations offer a value proposition in terms of PowerPoint. More precisely, they offer a more modern technology, templates and practically an adaptive way to embark with the design trends nowadays.

So, why use PowerPoint online – through many templates and endless design opportunities?

  1. A Better Design – As we said, no one wants to adopt the traditional design principles anymore which gives a clear reason why these digital PowerPoint alternatives are currently in.
  2. Easy to Use – Admit it – in the beginning, PowerPoint was too much of a struggle for everyone to use. On the opposite, trying the new online presentation platforms that offer free PowerPoint templates makes the job amazingly easier – at a few clicks away, you end up with a great presentation.
  3. Cloud Based – The digital reality lets us work through any device – anywhere we are. And that is practically the biggest benefit of the platforms ready to reinvent PowerPoint online and give it a new meaning.
  4. Cost-Effective – Instead of hiring a designer or considering a freelancer for every project, there are endless ways you can leverage the free PowerPoint templates and subscribe to the online presentation creation websites – coming at ridiculously low monthly fees.

So, is there a big advantage of using free PowerPoint templates and having a one-of-a-kind design, or you would still be considering the basic theme variations of PowerPoint for your next presentation?

Start being more innovative and adapt to the popular trends to upscale your business!